Deputy Principal, Academic Affairs.

Mosigisi Wesley;
Deputy Principal, Academic Affairs
Welcome to Kajiado East Technical and Vocational College (KETVC) ; a Centre of Excellence in Fashion and design. A serene training environment in Olooloitikosh.
Here at KETVC, we have the following academic departments:
1. Institutional Management (that has Fashion and Design and Food and Beverages).
2. Building and Civil Engineering (that has Building Technology, Civil Engineering, Masonry and Plumbing).
3. Electrical Engineering
4. ICT and Informatics
5. Liberal studies.
We have a competent training staff of thirty-one trainers who are highly skilled and experienced in their areas of trade. Most of the trainers practice their trade out there. We have well equipped training and practice workshops in Building and Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering that are run by well experienced technicians. Our ICT laboratory has the most advanced computers in the market today that are connected to very fast fiber optic cable internet.
Here at KETVC we receive trainees and send back well trained and ready for the market graduates.